
Listing our collaborations

This is a list of the networks and communities we are currently involved in:

Co-leading three ELIXIR Focus Groups:
- Machine Learning (AI)
- Research Data Alliance (RDA) Activities
- ELIXIR FAIR Training

Co-leading the following ELIXIR activities as commissioned services:
- Tools Platform Task 1 “Packaging, containerisation & deployment”
- Tools Platform Task 2 “Performance benchmarking & technical monitoring”
- Tools Platform Task 4 “Software Best Practices
- Training Platform Task 2 “Gap analysis, training materials development and training delivery
- Strategic Implementation Study “Making container services integratable, sustainable and widely used”
- Community-led Implementation Study “Improving IDP tools interoperability and integration into ELIXIR”
Research Data Alliance
Co-chairing the following groups:
- Data Discovery Paradigms Interest Group
- Early Career and Engagement Interest Group
The Carpentries
The Carpentries
Members of the group are active in the community as Trainers, Instructors and Maintainers
EOSC Skills and Training Working Group
National representative of Greece in the group
As individual members